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Basics and Introduction

1. What is Hibernate, and why is it used?

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2. What are the advantages of using Hibernate over JDBC?

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3. What is the Hibernate architecture?

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4. What is the difference between Hibernate and Spring JPA?

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5. How do you configure Hibernate with XML and annotations?

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6. What is the purpose of hibernate.cfg.xml?

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7. How do you set up Hibernate with a Java configuration (without XML)?

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8. What is the role of the SessionFactory?

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9. What is ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)?

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10. How do you map a Java class to a database table?

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11. What is the difference between @Entity and @Table annotations?

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12. How do you map relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many)?

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13. What are the advantages of lazy loading in mapping?

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14. How do you perform create, read, update, and delete operations in Hibernate?

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15. What's the difference between transient and detached entities?

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16. How do you use save() vs persist()?

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17. What is the difference between update() and merge()?

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18. How does Hibernate handle primary key generation?

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19. What is caching in Hibernate, and why is it important?

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20. What is the difference between first-level and second-level caching?

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21. What are the popular caching providers in Hibernate?

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22. What is HQL (Hibernate Query Language)?

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23. How is HQL different from SQL?

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24. What is the Criteria API in Hibernate?

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25. How do you use native SQL queries in Hibernate?

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Transactions and Concurrency

26. How does Hibernate manage transactions?

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27. What is the difference between commit() and flush()?

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28. What are the use cases for optimistic locking and pessimistic locking?

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29. What are the isolation levels in Hibernate?

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Performance Tuning

30. How do you optimize Hibernate queries?

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31. How does lazy and eager loading impact performance?

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32. How do you analyze the SQL generated by Hibernate?

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33. What are batch processing and its benefits in Hibernate?

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Advanced Features

34. What are Hibernate interceptors and event listeners?

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35. How do you implement a custom ID generator in Hibernate?

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36. What is Hibernate’s dirty checking mechanism?

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37. What is the difference between get() and load()?

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38. How do you integrate Hibernate with Spring?

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39. What are Hibernate's capabilities in a microservices architecture?

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40. How do you use Hibernate with JPA?

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Error Handling and Debugging

41. What are common exceptions in Hibernate?

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42. How do you debug lazy initialization exceptions?

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43. How do you resolve issues related to n+1 queries in Hibernate?

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44. How do you test Hibernate applications?

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45. What are in-memory databases, and how are they used in Hibernate testing?

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46. How do you mock Hibernate Session objects?

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