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SQL Problems 40

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Database Schema

Database Schema


1. Calculate the total quantity of products sold for each product_id

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2. Retrieve all orders placed in November 2023 using date filtering.

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3. Find all products with a price greater than the average price of all products.

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Joins and Relationships

4. Retrieve all products along with their category names using a join.

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5. Find the total revenue (price * quantity) for each product.

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6. For each category, calculate the total revenue generated by all products in that category.

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7. List all categories with no products assigned.

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8. List all products that have never been ordered (not present in the Orders table).

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9. Retrieve the top 2 products with the highest total revenue using a limit or ranking function.

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Advanced Select and Joins

10. Find the product with the highest total revenue, including its name and category.

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SQL Functions

11. For each product, calculate the running total of quantities sold over time using window functions.

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