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Java Collections

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1. Why are collections preferred over arrays in Java?

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2. What is the difference between ArrayList and LinkedList? When would you use each?

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3. How does the subList() method work in ArrayList?

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4. How does Vector ensure thread safety, and what are its drawbacks?

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5. What algorithm is used by these Java APIs Arrays.sort() and Collections.sort()?

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6. How do HashMap and HashSet Work Internally?

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7. How does a HashSet ensure uniqueness of elements?

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8. If one needs a Set, how do you choose between HashSet vs. TreeSet?

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9. What is the difference between HashSet, LinkedHashSet, and TreeSet?

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10. How is iteration order maintained in LinkedHashSet?

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11. Can you store null values in a TreeSet? Why or why not?

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12. How does TreeSet maintain its sorting order?

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13. Describe various implementations of the Map interface and their use case differences?

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14. How does LinkedHashMap maintain insertion order?

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15. What is the role of the load factor in HashMap?

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16. What is the difference between HashMap and Hashtable?

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17. Can you implement a LRU Cache using a LinkedHashMap?

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18. What is a WeakHashMap, and how does it handle garbage collection?

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19. How does ConcurrentHashMap achieve thread safety?

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Queue and Deque

20. What is the difference between Queue and Deque?

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21. How does a PriorityQueue determine element order?

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22. What are the use cases for ArrayDeque?

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23. How does a BlockingQueue handle producer-consumer scenarios?

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24. What is the difference between LinkedBlockingQueue and ArrayBlockingQueue?

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Thread-safe Collections

25. Describe and compare fail-fast and fail-safe iterators. Give examples.

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26. What is a Concurrent Collection?

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27. What is the difference between CopyOnWriteArrayList and ArrayList?

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28. How do thread-safe collections achieve thread safety?

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29. What are the trade-offs of using BlockingQueue in a multithreaded application?

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Generics and Collections

30. What is the benefit of Generics in Collections Framework in java?

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Sorting and Comparators

31. What is the difference between Comparable and Comparator? When would you use each?

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32. How do you sort a Map by its keys or values?

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33. What are the benefits of using the sort() method in List over Collections.sort()?

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Performance and Memory

34. What Are the Time/Space Complexities of HashMap, ArrayList, and LinkedList?

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35. How does HashMap achieve O(1) performance for insertions and lookups?

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36. What is the memory overhead of a HashSet compared to a TreeSet?

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37. How can you optimize memory usage for collections?

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Advanced Topics

38. What is an IdentityHashMap, and how does it differ from a HashMap?

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39. How do NavigableMap and NavigableSet differ from SortedMap and SortedSet?

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40. How does EnumMap improve performance for maps with enum keys?

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