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Java OOP

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Basic OOP Concepts

1. What are the four pillars of OOP? Explain each with examples.

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2. What is the difference between a class and an object?

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3. What happens if you declare a class as final? Can it still have objects?

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4. What happens if an object is created inside a static method?

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5. How does the this keyword differ from super?

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6. Can a constructor be inherited in Java? Why or why not?

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7. What happens if a subclass overrides a method but calls the super version as well?

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8. Can a subclass call a private method of the superclass?

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9. What is polymorphism, and how does it work in Java?

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10. Can you override a static method in Java?

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11. How does Java handle method overloading when the arguments involve inheritance (e.g., Object vs. String)?

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12. How does Java decide which overridden method to call when the reference type and object type differ?

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13. What is abstraction, and how is it implemented in Java?

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14. How do default methods in interfaces affect abstraction in Java 8+?

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15. Can an abstract class have a constructor, and when is it called?

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16. How does encapsulation improve code maintainability?

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17. Why should instance variables in a class be private?

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18. Can you enforce encapsulation without getters and setters?

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Interfaces and Abstract Classes

19. Can you enforce encapsulation without getters and setters?

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20. How does Java handle the diamond problem in interfaces?

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21. Can an interface extend another interface and how is it useful?

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22. Can an interface contain static methods? How are they accessed?

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Composition and Aggregation

23. What is the difference between composition and aggregation?

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24. How is dependency injection related to composition?

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Constructors and Overloading

25. What happens if a constructor calls another constructor using this() and has code before the call?

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26. Can a constructor throw an exception? How would you handle it?

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27. What happens if a subclass doesn’t explicitly call a superclass constructor?

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Method Overloading and Overriding

28. What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding?

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29. Can you override a private method in Java?

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30. Can a method with throws clause in the superclass be overridden without it in the subclass?

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Design Principles in OOP

31. What is the SOLID principle in OOP?

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32. How does the Single Responsibility Principle help in writing maintainable code?

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33. Can you explain the Open/Closed Principle with an example?

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34. How do Liskov Substitution and Interface Segregation principles influence your choice of inheritance or interfaces?

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35. How can you ensure a method follows the Dependency Inversion Principle?

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