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Java Fundamentals

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Language Basics

1. How do you make a class Immutable in java? How about pass by reference issue?

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2. What is the importance of hashCode() and equals() methods?

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3. Is Data Passed by Reference or by Value in Java?

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4. Nested classes can be static or non-static (Inner Class). How do you decide which to use? Does it matter?

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5. What are static initializers and when would you use them?

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6. What is the difference between == and equals() in Java?

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7. What happens if you assign a long to an int? How would you handle such a situation in Java?

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8. What’s the difference between a checked and unchecked exception? Can you explain with examples of each?

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9. What is the difference between the Comparable and Comparator interfaces

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10. What Is a ClassLoader?

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11. What Is the purpose of the Serializable interface?

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12. What happens if there is no break in a switch statement?

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Strings and Text Processing

13. Why are Strings immutable in Java, and when would you prefer StringBuilder over String?

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14. Reverse a String without using any library method

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15. Validate an Email Address using Pattern and Matcher

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16. How would you read a file line by line in Java?

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Exceptions and Errors Handling

17. What happens if there is a return statement in the try block and the finally block?

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18. What is the difference between Exception and Error in Java?

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19. Can you explain the hierarchy of exceptions in Java?

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20. What happens if an Exception is thrown in a static block?

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21. How do you create a Custom Exception in Java? When it’s useful?

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22. What are best practices for exception handling in Java?

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23. What is a NullPointerException, and how can you prevent it?

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24. How do you handle exceptions in a multi-threaded environment?

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Generics and Type Safety

25. What is the difference between ? extends and ? super in generics?

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26. How do you create a generic method in Java?

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27. Can you explain the purpose of the T, E, K, and V placeholders in generics?

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28. Write a program to create a generic class for a simple stack implementation.

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Memory Management

29. What is the Java memory model, and how is memory divided in the JVM?

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30. What is the difference between stack memory and heap memory?

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31. What is garbage collection in Java, and why is it important?

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32. What is a memory leak in Java, and how can it occur despite garbage collection?

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33. To avoid memory leaks why is best practice to avoid unnecessary static references.

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34. How can you use WeakHashMap for Automatic Cleanup?

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35. What are OutOfMemoryError and StackOverflowError, and how do you handle them?

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36. What is the purpose of the finalize() method, and why is it discouraged?

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37. What tools or techniques can you use to analyze and optimize memory usage in Java?

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Functional Programming

38. What is the purpose of the @FunctionalInterface annotation?

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39. How do Predicate and Function differ in Java?

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40. How can you use method references to simplify code with lambda expressions?

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41. What is the purpose of the Optional class? Provide multiple examples.

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Date and Time API

42. What are the main differences between Date and LocalDate in Java?

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43. How do you format a LocalDateTime object to a specific pattern?

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44. How do you calculate the difference between two dates in Java 8?

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45. How do you convert a legacy Date object to a LocalDate?

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Reflection and Annotations

46. What is Reflection? Give an example of functionality that can only be implemented using reflection.

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47. What are the different retention policies for annotations?

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48. How do you create a custom annotation in Java?

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New features in Java 11 & Java 17

49. What are the new String methods introduced in Java 11, and how do they differ from Java 8?

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50. What is the purpose of the var keyword introduced in Java 10, and is it available in Java 8?

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51. How does the new HTTP Client API in Java 11 improve over the HTTP libraries used in Java 8?

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52. What new features in sealed classes introduced in Java 17 make them different from regular inheritance models in Java 11?

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53. What are the improvements in pattern matching in Java 17 compared to Java 11?

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54. How does Java 17 improve text blocks compared to Java 11?

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55. What are records, and how do they differ from regular Java classes?

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