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Java Multithreading

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Basics of Multithreading

1. What is a thread in Java, and how is it different from a process?

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2. How do you create a thread in Java?

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3. What is the difference between Runnable and Callable?

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4. Explain the lifecycle of a thread in Java.

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5. What are daemon threads, and how do you create one?

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Synchronization and Concurrency

6. What is thread safety, and how is it achieved in Java?

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7. How does the synchronized keyword work?

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8. What are the differences between synchronized blocks and methods?

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9. What is a reentrant lock, and how is it different from synchronized?

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10. Explain how to use java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock features.

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11. Can you give a Real-World Example using Interruptible Lock with ReentrantLock?

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12. How does AtomicInteger improve thread safety?

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Thread Communication

13. How does thread communication work in Java?

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14. Can you give a Real-World Example using wait(), notify(), and notifyAll()?

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15. What is a CountDownLatch, and how do you use it?

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16. What is the purpose of CyclicBarrier?

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17. Explain the difference between join() and sleep() methods.

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Thread Pools and Executors

18. What is an executor in Java?

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19. How do you create a thread pool in Java?

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20. What is the difference between FixedThreadPool and CachedThreadPool?

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21. How does ScheduledExecutorService work?

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22. What are the use cases for ForkJoinPool?

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23. Can you explain how ForkJoinPool works?

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Advanced Concurrency Tools

24. Can you some examples of Concurrency Low-Level APIs, along with their high-level alternatives?

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25. What is a ReadWriteLock, and how does it work?

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26. How does ThreadLocal work in Java?

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27. Explain the use of BlockingQueue and its implementations.

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28. When would you use a BlockingQueue and when a Kafka system?

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29. What is CompletionService in Java?

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30. What is a Semaphore, and how do you use it?

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Deadlock, Livelock, and Race Condition

31. What is the deadlock and the main reason behind the deadlock?

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32. What are the best ways to avoid deadlocks?

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33. What is a Race Condition? What are the main reasons behind race conditions

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34. Which are the best ways to avoid Race Conditions?

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35. What is a Concurrent Collection?

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Parallel Streams and ForkJoin Framework

36. How do Java streams handle multithreading?

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37. What are common pitfalls of using parallel streams?

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38. What is the ForkJoin framework in Java?

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39. Explain how to configure the common pool for parallel streams.

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Performance and Best Practices

40. What are best practices for designing multithreaded applications?

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41. How can you avoid excessive context switching?

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42. How do you measure thread performance in Java?

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43. Explain how to debug multithreading issues in Java.

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Real-World Use Cases

44. Explain how multithreading is used in web servers.

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