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Java Streams

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Basics and Concepts

1. What are Java Streams, and how are they different from Collections?

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2. What is the difference between intermediate and terminal operations in Streams?

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3. What are the key characteristics of a Stream?

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4. Can you reuse a Stream after a terminal operation?

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5. Can you explain why streams are immutable and do not store data?

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6. How does lazy evaluation work in streams, and why is it beneficial?

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7. What happens if you use an infinite stream without a terminal operation?

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Stream Creation

8. What is the difference between Stream.of(), Stream.generate(), and Stream.iterate()?

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Intermediate Operations

9. What is the difference between map() and flatMap()?

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10. What is the purpose of distinct(), and how does it work?

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11. Can you explain the working of the filter() and map() methods?

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12. How do you sort elements in a Stream?

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13. What is the difference between peek() and forEach()?

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Terminal Operations

14. What is the purpose of reduce(), and how does it work?

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15. How do you convert a Stream to a List, Set, or Map?

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Collectors and Grouping

16. How do you group data using Collectors.groupingBy()?

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17. What is the difference between Collectors.partitioningBy() and groupingBy()?

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18. How do you concatenate two or more streams in Java?

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Parallel Streams

19. What is the impact of parallel streams on shared mutable state? Provide an example.

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20. Can you explain the ForkJoinPool used by parallel streams?

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Stateful and Stateless Operations

21. What is the difference between stateful and stateless intermediate operations?

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22. How does distinct() work internally? Is it stateful or stateless?

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23. How do you join elements in a Stream into a single string using Collectors.joining()?

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Stream Exceptions and Debugging

24. How do you handle exceptions inside a stream pipeline?

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25. What happens if a null value is encountered in a stream operation like map()?

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26. Can you debug the operations applied to a stream? If so, how?

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27. Why is modifying elements in a stream pipeline considered a bad practice?

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Advanced Topics

28. What are the benefits of lazy evaluation in Streams?

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29. How do you find the second highest element in a list using streams?

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30. Can you use streams to implement a sliding window operation? How?

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31. How do you perform multi-level grouping using Collectors.groupingBy()?

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32. How can streams be used to detect cyclic dependencies in a graph-like data structure?

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